#4 The Mugshot

Brock Lesnar is one of the most physically imposing WWE Superstars of all time. He built his incredible physique working on his family farm from a young age.
In 2001, when Lesnar was still in OVW, he was arrested and falsely accused with the possession of steroids. It eventually turned out that the stuff in Lesnar’s possession wasn’t actually steroids and he managed to beat the felony charge. Lesnar’s lawyer had been adamant that his client had been innocent throughout the proceedings and proved to be right. Thankfully this ordeal did not end up hurting Lesnar’s career one bit.
The photo you see is Lesnar’s mugshot after his arrest. He beat the charges after 4 months and the rest is history.
#3 Baby Brock

The photo you see is one of the earliest photos we have seen of Brock Lesnar. We can see Brock as a baby posing in the photo with his mother. This photo was shown to WWE fans during a WWE documentary which featured his upbringing.