25 ways WWE could make Raw better in 2018

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How can WWE pull Raw out of its creative slump?

WWE love calling Monday Night Raw "the flagship show" of the company even though the "B show" Smackdown Live is ironically light years ahead and the "developmental" brand NXT is the hottest show on the network today.


While some would argue that Raw is still the most important brand in the company today, as it was the hottest wrestling show on the planet back in the late 1990s and 2000s, in 2018 Raw has become increasingly embarrassing to watch. As the state of WWE's 'premier' product has degraded to a boring, monotonous snooze fest that has the company's fanbase begging for the return of the attitude era.

While from a fan perspective the creative booking of Raw is terrible, WWE's new TV deal with the USA Network has seen their revenue increase, thus, would this indicate a change in the presentation, booking, and execution of their narratives?


Well, that remains to be seen, but at the moment, Raw is a hit and miss show that delivers matches which makes wrestling fans revel in its glory and at other times creates absolutely terrible segments which force people to change the channel.

For a company as big as the WWE, this has to change as lousy booking is affecting their viewership, live attendance records, and overall fan interest, but small changes in the usual schedule on Monday nights could make Raw a watchable wrestling show once again.


#1 Make the opening segment more impactful

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More action, less talking.

How many times have people switched on their televisions expecting to witness an exciting start to Monday Night Raw, but instead received repetitive segments that become hard for even purists to bear? And by now it is quite easy to predict the start of every episode of Raw, as the standard booking tropes include two or more superstars come down to the ring, they argue, they brawl and Kurt Angle makes a match between them later in the night. It is predictable, it is boring, and it has to change.


One of the biggest surprises from Raw earlier this year was the excellent two-hour gauntlet match that took every wrestling fan by surprise, and it made them question if they were watching the same show that usually has more talking than wrestling. Alternatively, the more recent beatdown Alexa Bliss received from an irate Ronda Rousey, a beatdown which set the crowd of fire. WWE need to analyze the success of those segment/matches and book similar ones, as the opening segment sets the tone for an incredibly exhilarating Raw or a skippable one.


#2 Give lower-tier stars a reason to be on the show

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Everyone deserves a second chance at proving themselves.

Titus Worldwide, Curt Hawkins, Breezango, Heath Slater, Rhyno, Mike Kanellis and No Way Jose, what are their roles, motivations, and purpose on Raw? The answer is simple, to job to bigger names, to fill time and sit on the sidelines. But is that what these stars aspired to be when they decided to take up wrestling as their profession, sure working for the biggest wrestling company in the world has its perks, but each of them has a unique talent WWE is clearly overlooking.


And when looking at names such as Tyler Breeze, who was supremely popular down in NXT wasting away on Raw, it is truly unfortunate. Therefore, instead of being the benchwarmers of the red brand WWE should use these individuals in a manner that best suits them. Titus Worldwide could become a huge part of the tag team division if the creative team tried, Rhyno could make the mid-card more frantic, and Breezango could drop their silly gimmick and start to compete as the talented athletes they clearly are. The options are endless, WWE just needs to capitalize.


#3 Make Bobby Roode glorious

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Roode is more than a theme song.

What on earth happened to Bobby Roode? From one of the best heel NXT Champions in the brand's history to mid-card ice-cold babyface, WWE clearly was not in the right frame of mind when they decided to have Roode debut as a fun-loving babyface. And call his heel persona a Ric Flair rip off, at least it got the man over, as he genuinely embraced the arrogance of being a heel which at times made you love to hate him. However, the unfortunate reality of Bobby Roode in 2018 sees him contesting terrible matches every week on Raw and going in a direction even WWE does not know where it would lead.


Therefore, after months of being a terrible babyface that dances, smiles more than Finn Balor and expects a theme song to get him over, WWE just need to revert Roode into his NXT character, as that is what endeared him as a heel to the WWE Universe. A money loving Bobby Roode that has eyes on championships and is only interested in living a lavish lifestyle is what Raw needs, it is also what Roode needs to sustain himself in WWE's fast-moving machine. As matches with the likes of white-hot babyfaces such as Seth Rollins would be gold on Monday Night.


#4 Give Elias his concert every week

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"it is Elias's night."

Elias is the most improved main roster wrestler of 2018, while most would say Seth Rollins, Shinsuke Nakamura or even Braun Strowman deserve that accolade, Elias has improved his character work, his in-ring ability and his power ranking on WWE's ladder. Moreover, the most important thing that makes Elias stand out on a supremely monotonous Raw is his entertainment value," the drifter's" character work is light years ahead of most as his musical solo performances convey messages about his motivations, his disdain towards the audience and hilarious jabs at his opponents.


Thus, by giving Elias a set spot every week on Raw, WWE is ensuring that one of their better talents do not waste away with up and down booking, as the WWE Universe has witnessed white-hot stars oddly left of the broadcast for some weeks and included the following. Elias is an exceptional performer, and his performance can help Raw have a unique feel that would undoubtedly improve its standard of viewing for any member of the WWE Universe.


#5 Explore the woken universe

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A whole new world.

WWE fans lost their minds when Jeff and Matt Hardy emerged at WrestleMania 33, as the legendary tag team were absent from the WWE for almost a decade, and as chants of "delete" and "Brother Nero" filled the entire stadium, WWE knew they had to acquire the legal rights of Hardy's broken gimmick from Impact Wrestling. WWE finally won the ongoing battle and obtained the rights to use Matt's unique gimmick, but as many had suspected, the creative team had no idea what to do with Hardy's broken brillance.


From consistent laughing that is not funny at all to video packages, it's safe to say WWE ruined the gimmick by not doing one thing, expanding on the vastness of Matt Hardy's wacky world. Moreover, with Hardy being the current Raw Tag Team Champion with Bray Wyatt one would expect WWE to create magic with these two eccentric individuals, and they can do that by introducing Hardy's family, exploiting the creative use of the Hardy compound and even send superstars that need a new gimmick into the lake of reincarnation. Matt Hardy's weird world could become a focal point of WWE's midcard if the company even cared.


#6 Reunite American Alpha

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A team that should not have broken up in the first place.

No matter how much WWE try and make Jason Jordon and Chad Gable polar opposites, they are meant to be a successful tag team in the world of professional wrestling, as their story of how they came together is one that was perfected down in Full Sail Arena. Jordon was having hard luck with various partners before Gable came along and formed possibly the greatest tag team in NXT history, as their speed, strength, and wrestling prowess shone through every single match they had competed. Even though Jordon is currently on the shelf due to an injury, rumor has indicated he is already fully recovered.


Therefore, nothing is stopping WWE from reuniting these two young talented athletes, as it would allow for a soft reboot of their characters, as Gable is a jobber now and Jordon has the unfortunate fate of being pegged as Kurt Angle's 'son'. American Alpha is what the Raw tag team division is missing, as short team solutions such as the B Team are not groundbreaking, the Authors of Pain struggling for screen time and every other team in the division are jobbers by WWE's standards, Gable and Jordon can light up the tag team division and Raw at the same time.


#7 Develop Jinder Mahal into a solid mid-card heel

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Mahal got the physic, the heat and cronies to be a solid heel.

Jinder Mahal is a true success story in the WWE gone wrong, "the modern-day Maharaja" went from 3MB jobber to WWE Champion then back to a jobber in a year. Mahal's rise and fall from grace is a simple story that has been seen over decades with many superstars in Vince McMahon's company, but with regards to Mahal WWE can still salvage something, and that is the heat the man generates as a heel. The WWE Universe hate Mahal for one simple reason his rise to success was only possible due to McMahon's preference to superstars with a jacked up physique.


And WWE has been using that heat in an inferior way has the most significant missed opportunity to cement Mahal as a true mid-card villain did not have him be the superstar to dethrone Seth Rollins of his IC Title, but better chances are awaiting Mahal in the future, and WWE needs to take advantage of that. As the Raw mid-card has no clean-cut heel or face, as the Universal Title's absence has pushed all main event talent down to the mid-card but when the main event scene is settled, Mahal needs to be the backbone heel of the division. Opposing up and coming babyfaces, ruining other wrestlers dreams and being the prime reason for an adverse crowd reaction, WWE could use Mahal's heat and unlikable persona to good effect.


#8 Let the Cruiserweights slowly make their way back onto Raw again

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These stars can excel on a thin Raw mid-card

Ever since the stars of 205 Live had left Raw a few months ago and set out to become their own entity on Tuesday nights, the cruiserweight product has drastically improved, as it is now centred around more about competing for the Cruiserweight Title than silly narratives that included Brain Kendrick stealing Akira Tozawa's passport and Alica Fox's ridiculous love angle with Noam Dar. However, even though 205 Live is thriving better on its own, many predict that the brand won't last as long as Raw or Smackdown Live, thus, WWE can slowly but surely start taking 205 Live's best talent and place them on Raw


As it is Raw's mid-card division is lacking real megastars because wrestlers such as The Miz, Jeff Hardy, and Samoa Joe are all on Smackdown Live. Therefore, Raw should strive to bring young talent into the picture, as introducing at least one star such as Mustafa Ali into the Raw mid-card would set the division on fire. Ali is one of those few stars that have managed to grow on the mic and produce a countless number of match of the year classics in the ring, and giving him a platform to display his skills is smart booking. Also, WWE fans get tired witnessing the same match every single week, as instead of Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler for the umpteenth time, WWE could book Ali against any one of those men and let them tear the house down.


#9 Dolph and Drew: The Conquerers

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They said they would run Raw, well, there is no reason why they should not.

Whoever came up with the idea of pairing Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre deserves a round of applause, as these two former underrated stars have completely transformed their careers in two different ways. Ziggler has found a way to climb the WWE ladder once again, and McIntyre has found a way to feel like a mysterious badass while Ziggler stands as the mouthpiece of this team. Furthermore, what makes this team so impressive is that the motivation they stand by seems realistic and attainable, they want to run through every single wrestler on the roster and take their titles.


Moreover, that is exactly what WWE needs to book them to do, take almost every title on Raw. Now theoretically speaking that sounds like a great idea of having these men conquer each division to assert dominance but realistically speaking it sounds unlikely as WWE would never do something so out of the box.

However, this year the creative team have shown themselves to have a wildcard booking mentality as unexpected things keep happening, and Ziggler and Drew holding the IC Title, Tag Team Titles and even possibly the Wolrd Championship would be the narrative of the year if done right.


As the chase to attain those titles, superstars challenging them for it, the creative ways they can retain and so much more new exciting possibilities could be viable if WWE takes a chance and execute the motivation they attached to Ziggler and McIntyre's promos each week, to dominate Raw.

#10 Book Seth Rollins as the number one babyface

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Monday Night Rollins baby!

When Micheal Cole kept on saying each week on commentary that Seth Rollins is red hot, it sounded more like WWE trying to alter fans perception that he was, as Rollins as always thrived as the heel. But after witnessing classic match after classic match, intriguing character work and his popularity rise, it feels as if Rollins is genuinely the hottest main roster babyface in WWE.


While most would vouch for AJ Styles or Daniel Brayan, Rollins is currently in a league of his own, a league WWE wishes someone like Roman Reigns was in, and "the architect" can truly become the number one babyface on Monday Night Raw.

And that is what Raw lacks at the moment, a number one, clear-cut and defined face lead. As Reigns is booked in that spot but isn't making it count at the moment, Bobby Lashley for all his gifts isn't being given proper booking to fit in that role, Braun Strowman is more of an anti-hero than anything and Finn Balor's credibility has been diminished so much its unlikely WWE would book him to rise to that role.


Which leaves Rollins alone at the top of Raw as the number one guy and WWE should start pushing him in that position as his work rate, potential character development, and ability to make any title look credible signals him as Raw's number one guy.

#11 Let Dean Ambrose embrace his heel side

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Ambrose could steal the show on any night, and Monday nights is the night he needs to do so.

They say to make a hero compelling you need to have an incredibly compelling villain to challenge that hero, and that is precisely what Dean Ambrose is to Seth Rollins. Ever since The Shield had initially split up, WWE expected Reigns to be the breakout star of that angle, but Ambrose and Rollins's rivalry completely blew everyone's minds as the raw emotion, intense promos and brutal violence these men showed endeared them to the WWE Universe. And now WWE has the chance to do that once again, but with "the lunatic fringe" and "the architect" on opposite sides of the personality cion.


And the fact of the matter is that there no better booking option for a returning Dean Ambrose, than to return as a jacked up heel, as Raw needs a villain that has a reason for being vicious, their personality to feel genuinely insane and the unpredictability to make each of his actions engaging.

WWE does not need to make Dean Ambrose a typical heel that cheats to win, cuts stereotypical promos and runs away from competition but a man that has frustration building inside of him of being shelved from the in-ring action while his Shield brothers supposedly forgot about him and continued to rise the ranks of WWE. A villain with depth, emotion, and motivation the audience can understand is the type of heel WWE needs right now to run Raw's main event scene, and Ambrose is the perfect man for the job.


#12 Make Kevin Owens the "prizefighter" once again

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Fight Owens Fight!

Here's an unpopular opinion, Kevin Owens should be Universal Champion at this point of his career, and while most would say his last run with the belt was one of the worst in the title's existence, Owens terrible booking cost him his title, and not the man himself. As before that fateful night when he shockingly won the Universal Title in one of the greatest moments in Raw history, Owens was a prizefighter, a man that was only interested in winning matches and titles at any cost to secure a good life for his family. And as a heel, it was hard to hate a man who had that motivation, but ever since WWE paired him, Chris Jericho, KO's career got KO'ed.


While the Jericho-Owens team was the best thing on Raw, Jericho stole the show most of the time, leaving Owens in his shadow, and while their narrative could've had a historical ending, WWE let it fizzle out. Furthermore, KO's run on Smackdown Live was akin to his Raw run, uneventful.

And now his return to Raw has seen him stuck in the same position. WWE need to tone down the comedy, the cowardness that is degrading Owens career and make him the prizefighting badass he once was when he debuted in the WWE. From destroying his best friend to beating John Cena, Owens was on fire in 2015, and WWE needs that KO on Raw this year, as the mid-card can thrive off a superstar that is wrestling for one reason, winning championships.


#13 Book Roman Reigns as a badass

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Reigns would strive as a badass.

The turn Roman Reigns heel petition seems like its going in no direction, as WWE has no intention making one of their top financially successful babyfaces a heel, but the thing is that Roman Reigns is not babyface material that the audience can relate with. And that is something WWE is not willing to accept as the man has the look, the demeanor and the attitude of badass antihero, but the creative team continues to push him as the next John Cena. Whether they are willing to accept it or not Raw does not need another Cena, but Raw needs the real Roman Reigns, a man that proves why Raw is his yard.


Moreover, WWE has been searching for the correct niche with Roman's character for years, but to their ability to overlook the obvious, the answer has been hiding in plain sight, as Reigns is over when he portrays a badass that talks less and is more aggressive. Examples such as his beatdown of Triple H at TLC 2015, his 2014 Royal Rumble domination and his beatdown on multiple superstars to win the WWE Title on Raw, Reigns thrives as a cocky, unapologetic, no-nonsense ass kicker that only interest is in making Raw his turf, and that what he can be in 2018, the turf leader.


#14 Get a new General Manager

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After having his ego demolished by McMahon herself, Raw needs a new GM.

The Raw general manager position has been a job that has been plagued in infamy over the last few years, as every single person that has taken the role has either been belittled, fired or embarrassed by a seething Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. And its time for a change as legendary wrestlers such as Mick Foley and Kurt Angle don't suit this managerial position. As the atmosphere of Raw is begging for a fresh face to take the helm, as veterans such as Kurt Angle just serve to build storylines for more nostalgic matches down the line.


Over on Smackdown Live, Paige is doing a surprisingly good job when it comes to the kayfabe running of the show as she flows perfectly along with the pace of the show and the handling of the stars. Raw needs to move far away from the McMahons and Angle dilemma and introduce a new fresh manager that would fulfill their responsibilities, make decisions in advance and do what a GM is meant to do, manage the freaking show.


#15 Make Sasha Banks vs Bayley one of the top feuds

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Bayley and Sasha are white hot at the moment, and WWE should not waste this opportunity.

Bayley's beatdown on Sasha Banks on a more recent episode of Raw was shockingly brilliant, as it did not feel like a typical beatdown but like an assault that was meant to invoke raw emotion out of fans as it did for Bayley. After months of being in a back of forth friendship with Banks that included betrayals, backstage brawls, and resolutions, the former huggable one decided enough is enough and supposedly turned heel by destroying Banks in a rage she had never shown before.


Now in typical WWE style, they would strive to make this superbly built narrative be one of the focal points of the Raw women's division, but it needs to transcend that, Sasha Banks vs. Bayley believe it or not should one of the focal points on the entire red brand. This rivalry has history, intensity, evident animosity, two of the best wrestlers on the roster and time and space to evolve, WWE cannot drop the ball on this programme, as it could carry the Raw women's division out of the mediocre state it is now.


#16 Flip the script on Finn Balor

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An internal conflict that transcends the dynamic of being a heel or face.

Ah Finn Balor, what has WWE done with this man. Balor was pegged to be the next big thing back in 2016 when he was chosen in the first round of the WWE Draft, beat Roman Reigns on his first main roster match and went on to become Universal Champion. However, as his story has been reiterated a thousand times, his unfortunate injury ruined his megastar push and ever since he returned he has been a part-time benchwarmer. From jobbing to aging veterans to losing vital matches, Balor needs a reboot and now is the time for WWE to hit that reset button, but not on his narratives but his persona.


As Balor mentioned his promo video back in 2016, his alter ego not about putting on silly face paint and pretending to be cool, rather everytime he puts on the makeup and goes beast mode, he draws power from the myths and legends his name is based on. This promo was excellently produced by WWE and really at that time allowed fans to understand the reason for Balor having an alter ego, but WWE never touched on it again. As the face paint become a symbol of a cool entrance rather than being an integral part of what makes Finn Balor unique as opposed to every other star on the roster and this year WWE need to explore that fully.


After all his shortcomings and disappointments, does Balor bring out his darker side to get the job done or does he trust his wrestling instinct? This internal conflict is far more significant for Balor to become more interesting as a character, as a heel turn or main event match is not going to put him on the level he was two years ago. And as Balor said himself these are not stories, and legends but a source of power one uses when he knows he needs to become a man greater than himself, so does Finn Balor shift his persona to become great or does he trust himself enough to break the solid steel glass ceiling holding him back finally.


#17 Develop each character in the Women's Division

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These stars need character development.

As mentioned earlier, the Raw women's division could be on the brink of a resurgence thanks to the highly anticipated feud between Bayley and Sasha Banks. But while that one feud might kick off the resurgence, WWE needs to find a way to maintain it, and the best way to do that is to redesign the motivation, goals, and personas of each of the superstar in the Raw women division. And for the most part, WWE has utterly disappointed when it comes to building feuds outside of the Women's Title scene, as breakout stars such as Ember Moon and veterans such as Mickie James and Natalya are left playing second fiddle.


The Raw women's division only has thirteen superstars, and two of them are embroiled in an intense feud, four of them are involved in the Raw Women's Title picture, and three are in a stable, which leaves stars such as Alica Fox, Ember Moon, and Dana Brooke out in the cold. And while most would think that Fox and Brooke's careers are in a state of no repair, WWE could do the sensible thing and highlight their personalities in the hope it would click with the fans. As Fox's vintage craziness and Brooke's undiscovered talent could work out, not to mention the urgent need to get Ember Moon rolling on Raw in the best way possible.


#18 Make Ronda Rousey a regular

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Ronda needs to be rowdy on Raw every week

Ronda Rousey was suspended on Raw recently after laying the proverbial smackdown on Alexa Bliss, Kurt Angle, and some referees, and while that was a good shift for her character, it will surely derail her momentum going forward. And even though rumors indicate that Rousey will be on Raw even though her suspension has not been lifted, WWE needs to make Rousey a regular on Raw, as the women's division desperately needs a megastar, and Rousey is just that.


The only complaint fans can still have with Rousey is her part-time status, as the only competing on pay-per-views is a clear tactic by WWE to protect her star power. But her star power would be better used if she was locking it up with the rest of the division every week on Raw, as the lower tier stars mentioned earlier in the women division need a star rub and Rousey feuding with any one of them could give them and the entire division that advantage.


#19 Regulate tag team matches for the tag team division only

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A concept that is being overused consistently

Many in the WWE Universe wonder if sometimes the WWE creative team themselves get tired of booking the main event of Monday Night Raw to be an eight-man, six man or standard tag team match. As they seem to do it in abundance these days, and while it is exciting to witness your favorite superstars such as Finn Balor and Braun Strowman team up to take on despised heels, it is degrading the product and more importantly decreasing the importance of having a tag team division in the first place.


The Raw tag team division in a pitiful state, with an over saturation of jobber teams, weak Raw Tag Team Champions, and matches that don't leave a memorable impression on anyone these days. Therefore, to make the division feel more significant, improve the quality of Monday Night Raw and allow for each superstar to have their narrative, WWE needs to keep the tag team match type for the tag team division only.


Moreover, while most would complain that means that their favourites won't team up anymore, it has its positives as singles stars can focus on building individual feuds, no star would be the third wheel in another storyline and the tag team division would feel special as that is the only place one could witness two teams going at it with the hope of climbing the ranks and challenging for the tag team titles.


#20 Let The Riott Squad own the Raw Women's division

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The Raw women's division needs this stable to be an overall success.

The reason The Riott Squad has been held back by terrible booking on Raw lately is due to the lack of competition on the brand, as mentioned before with most of the superstars being tied up in other narratives, Ruby Riott's proteges have no stable or team to oppose them. But that does not excuse the fact that they are given half effort material to work with every Monday Night on Raw, from predictably cheating to win every single match to childishly destroying equipment backstage, these three superstars have no direction, aim or motivation in mind.


And that is what their entire gimmick is based around, three superstars that are there to cause mayhem and ruin others careers, but WWE have not shown any of that lately, and most of that might be due to the lack of interest to push them beyond their generic gimmick. However, if previous points mentioned earlier do come fruition, as Bayley and Sasha's Banks tear the house down, the Women's Title picture heats up, WWE develope every women's character, and Ronda Rousey becomes a regular on Raw. The Riott Squad can now be the ones to own the entire Raw women division thus making for a perfect division that has many layers to it.


#21 Book at least one nostalgic feud

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The only why fans keep coming back.

The only thing that keeps casual WWE fans coming back around Summerslam, Royal Rumble and WrestleMania is nostalgia as the sight of witnessing wrestling icons such as Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton and The Undertaker is sure to bring back good memories of the days when WWE was white hot. And as those events fastly approach Raw needs, one of those feuds to spark interest in the product again and the most logical choice would be the proper conclusion to Undertaker vs Cena dream match that was ruined by terrible booking by the creative at Wrestlemania 34 this year.


Cena vs Undertaker is a match no one wants to see again but deep down are hoping that WWE does it right this time. And late last year the build-up to the match between these two icons generated an immense amount of interest for the red brand, as every other narrative the creative team produced seemed average at best, WWE need interest heading into Summerslam for their number one brand this could use this rivalry to do so.


#22 Keep The Authority behind the scenes

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The Authority's time is up as a thing on Raw.

There have only been three times the Authority actually made a difference ion Raw; the first time was back in 2013/2014 when their autocratic reign of terror oppressed Daniel Bryan to the point fans got behind the "yes man" as he went on to shatter the glass ceiling. The next successful attempt was making Seth Rollins a competent babyface and their last time they used their abilities to perfection was at Wretsamnia this year when they made Ronda Rousey a megastar in professional wrestling.


However, other than those instances, Triple H and especially Stephanie McMahon has no place on Raw anymore. As there are no more superstars to oppress, no reason to put down the general manager every single freaking week for not doing his job to their preference and no reason for Stephanie making announcements about the women's division that feel forced and out of place. The Authority is an outdated concept, and as WWE move into a new phase, let the only great boss vs. employee rivalry remain Stone Cold vs. Vince McMahon, as there is no more reason to emulate that original concept and that too every year on Raw.


#23 Make The Authors of Pain unbeatable in all divisions

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Make these behemoths into untouchable monsters.

What makes a monster in WWE, is it unbridled force, intense promos and a nonchalant mean streak. Most of you would answer all of the aforementioned but what actually makes a monster in wrestling is an undefeated streak, look no further than the recent streaks of Braun Strowman and Asuka. Prior to them losing, those two stars felt and performed like big deals, as that unbeatable aura comes with the sense of these wrestlers just can't be hammered. Therefore, as rumors suggest that WWE kept The Authors of Pain off television for so long after their debut because the creative team had no idea what to do with them, but the solution to their problem is simple, make Akam and Razor unbeatable.


Furthermore, not just unbeatable in the tag team division but on Raw in every division. That might seem like a far-fetched idea, as to why would WWE actually take two intimating men and make them into clones of Braun Strowman, but it could work. As mentioned several times already the tag team division needs a spark and Akam, and Razor can be that match that lights the division on fire. Imagine these two behemoths defeating the likes of Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, and even Roman Reigns that would be career-defining for these men as Raw needs other monsters that could replace Strowman one day and WWE could build up this two to be just that.


#24 Book Brock Lesnar in at least one match on Raw

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As Heyman said himself Brock Lesnar is box office.\

While WWE call Brock Lesnar a "beast", "conquerer" and "freak of nature", wrestling fans call the Universal Champion "lazy", "boring" and "a part-timing part-timer", and from the clear difference of opinion between the fans and the WWE, there has to be something done about Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is visibly at the end of his WWE run, as his desire to return to the UFC is increasing, while his desire to fight any wrestler in the WWE is at an all-time low. However, Paul Heyman recently said in his work-shoot Facebook post, Brock Lesnar does not want to fight any random star but a star that is on his level of strength, power, and most importantly drawing power level.


Moreover, Raw has not had that one thing for the entirety of 2018, 'drawing power,' and imagine if the headlines of an article read: Brock Lesnar defends his Universal Championship in the main event of Raw, the wrestling community would literally explode. As Lesnar is a pay-per-view fighter, but here WWE can utilize him in possibly his last match on TV to boost ticket sales, live attendance records, and viewership numbers. Raw has big stars such as Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Finn Balor, but none are more intriguing than Lesnar himself, and WWE should use him to give Raw the boost it needs this year.


#25 Make Braun Strowman the Universal Champion

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Strowman is 'the man' now.

When Braun Strowman fell short of winning the Universal Championship at No Mercy, fans were utterly shocked, as Strowman was one of the few WWE homegrown talents that got super over with the wrestling fanbase. However, whoever decided to deny "the monster among men" his chance at the gold at that point should have reassessed their booking strategy as his career has not seen him reach that pure level of badassery ever since. And WWE should thank their lucky stars as Mr. Money in the Bank is still over with fans. Therefore, if WWE needs to do one thing to improve Raw this year, it is to make Strowman World Champion.

Balor's reign was cut short, Owens reign was handled poorly, Goldberg's run with the belt was underwhelming, and Lesnar was absent for most of his title reign, but Strowman would change that notion and elevate the Universal Title to new heights. One of the best things about this decision is the amount of A-grade feuds Strowman could have with Raw's top stars, as he could take on a gusty Seth Rollins, battle a lunatic in Dean Ambrose and rekindle an old rivalry with Roman Reigns. Strowman is the future of Raw right now, and WWE could make the flagship show one hundred times better if he sits atop the mountain.

Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.

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Edited by Amar Anand
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