25 ways WWE could make Raw better in 2018

Image result for wwe raw Braun strowman universal
How can WWE pull Raw out of its creative slump?

#18 Make Ronda Rousey a regular

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Ronda needs to be rowdy on Raw every week

Ronda Rousey was suspended on Raw recently after laying the proverbial smackdown on Alexa Bliss, Kurt Angle, and some referees, and while that was a good shift for her character, it will surely derail her momentum going forward. And even though rumors indicate that Rousey will be on Raw even though her suspension has not been lifted, WWE needs to make Rousey a regular on Raw, as the women's division desperately needs a megastar, and Rousey is just that.

The only complaint fans can still have with Rousey is her part-time status, as the only competing on pay-per-views is a clear tactic by WWE to protect her star power. But her star power would be better used if she was locking it up with the rest of the division every week on Raw, as the lower tier stars mentioned earlier in the women division need a star rub and Rousey feuding with any one of them could give them and the entire division that advantage.

#19 Regulate tag team matches for the tag team division only

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A concept that is being overused consistently

Many in the WWE Universe wonder if sometimes the WWE creative team themselves get tired of booking the main event of Monday Night Raw to be an eight-man, six man or standard tag team match. As they seem to do it in abundance these days, and while it is exciting to witness your favorite superstars such as Finn Balor and Braun Strowman team up to take on despised heels, it is degrading the product and more importantly decreasing the importance of having a tag team division in the first place.

The Raw tag team division in a pitiful state, with an over saturation of jobber teams, weak Raw Tag Team Champions, and matches that don't leave a memorable impression on anyone these days. Therefore, to make the division feel more significant, improve the quality of Monday Night Raw and allow for each superstar to have their narrative, WWE needs to keep the tag team match type for the tag team division only.

Moreover, while most would complain that means that their favourites won't team up anymore, it has its positives as singles stars can focus on building individual feuds, no star would be the third wheel in another storyline and the tag team division would feel special as that is the only place one could witness two teams going at it with the hope of climbing the ranks and challenging for the tag team titles.

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Edited by Amar Anand
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