#14 Get a new General Manager

The Raw general manager position has been a job that has been plagued in infamy over the last few years, as every single person that has taken the role has either been belittled, fired or embarrassed by a seething Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. And its time for a change as legendary wrestlers such as Mick Foley and Kurt Angle don't suit this managerial position. As the atmosphere of Raw is begging for a fresh face to take the helm, as veterans such as Kurt Angle just serve to build storylines for more nostalgic matches down the line.
Over on Smackdown Live, Paige is doing a surprisingly good job when it comes to the kayfabe running of the show as she flows perfectly along with the pace of the show and the handling of the stars. Raw needs to move far away from the McMahons and Angle dilemma and introduce a new fresh manager that would fulfill their responsibilities, make decisions in advance and do what a GM is meant to do, manage the freaking show.
#15 Make Sasha Banks vs Bayley one of the top feuds

Bayley's beatdown on Sasha Banks on a more recent episode of Raw was shockingly brilliant, as it did not feel like a typical beatdown but like an assault that was meant to invoke raw emotion out of fans as it did for Bayley. After months of being in a back of forth friendship with Banks that included betrayals, backstage brawls, and resolutions, the former huggable one decided enough is enough and supposedly turned heel by destroying Banks in a rage she had never shown before.
Now in typical WWE style, they would strive to make this superbly built narrative be one of the focal points of the Raw women's division, but it needs to transcend that, Sasha Banks vs. Bayley believe it or not should one of the focal points on the entire red brand. This rivalry has history, intensity, evident animosity, two of the best wrestlers on the roster and time and space to evolve, WWE cannot drop the ball on this programme, as it could carry the Raw women's division out of the mediocre state it is now.