25 ways WWE could make Raw better in 2018

Image result for wwe raw Braun strowman universal
How can WWE pull Raw out of its creative slump?

#16 Flip the script on Finn Balor

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An internal conflict that transcends the dynamic of being a heel or face.

Ah Finn Balor, what has WWE done with this man. Balor was pegged to be the next big thing back in 2016 when he was chosen in the first round of the WWE Draft, beat Roman Reigns on his first main roster match and went on to become Universal Champion. However, as his story has been reiterated a thousand times, his unfortunate injury ruined his megastar push and ever since he returned he has been a part-time benchwarmer. From jobbing to aging veterans to losing vital matches, Balor needs a reboot and now is the time for WWE to hit that reset button, but not on his narratives but his persona.

As Balor mentioned his promo video back in 2016, his alter ego not about putting on silly face paint and pretending to be cool, rather everytime he puts on the makeup and goes beast mode, he draws power from the myths and legends his name is based on. This promo was excellently produced by WWE and really at that time allowed fans to understand the reason for Balor having an alter ego, but WWE never touched on it again. As the face paint become a symbol of a cool entrance rather than being an integral part of what makes Finn Balor unique as opposed to every other star on the roster and this year WWE need to explore that fully.

After all his shortcomings and disappointments, does Balor bring out his darker side to get the job done or does he trust his wrestling instinct? This internal conflict is far more significant for Balor to become more interesting as a character, as a heel turn or main event match is not going to put him on the level he was two years ago. And as Balor said himself these are not stories, and legends but a source of power one uses when he knows he needs to become a man greater than himself, so does Finn Balor shift his persona to become great or does he trust himself enough to break the solid steel glass ceiling holding him back finally.

#17 Develop each character in the Women's Division

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These stars need character development.

As mentioned earlier, the Raw women's division could be on the brink of a resurgence thanks to the highly anticipated feud between Bayley and Sasha Banks. But while that one feud might kick off the resurgence, WWE needs to find a way to maintain it, and the best way to do that is to redesign the motivation, goals, and personas of each of the superstar in the Raw women division. And for the most part, WWE has utterly disappointed when it comes to building feuds outside of the Women's Title scene, as breakout stars such as Ember Moon and veterans such as Mickie James and Natalya are left playing second fiddle.

The Raw women's division only has thirteen superstars, and two of them are embroiled in an intense feud, four of them are involved in the Raw Women's Title picture, and three are in a stable, which leaves stars such as Alica Fox, Ember Moon, and Dana Brooke out in the cold. And while most would think that Fox and Brooke's careers are in a state of no repair, WWE could do the sensible thing and highlight their personalities in the hope it would click with the fans. As Fox's vintage craziness and Brooke's undiscovered talent could work out, not to mention the urgent need to get Ember Moon rolling on Raw in the best way possible.

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Edited by Amar Anand
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