1 – Triple H vs. Roman Reigns
It’s a long shot but will work wonders if pulled off correctly.
To start of the feud, first Triple H should order the Shield to beat down Daniel Bryan which would be rejected by Roman Reigns. Angered by the reaction that he got, Triple H would then put each member of the Shield in a free or fired match with their careers on the lines.
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Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose could lose their respective matches and thus getting fired leaving Roman Reigns as the only from the Shield with a job.
On the parallel scene Daniel Bryan could earn his way into the WrestleMania main event by beating Batista in an open challenge thus setting up a triple threat match for the title.
Meanwhile, seeing his partners lose their job, Reigns could challenge Triple H for a match at Mania with the following stipulations.
If Reigns wins, Ambrose and Seth Rollins will get their jobs back if Triple H wins Reigns loses his own job. Putting his career on the line for his friends will clearly turn Reigns a face.
At WrestleMania, he could beat Triple H and bring back Ambrose and Rollins only to provide one last twist in the tale.
Ambrose and Rollins could align with Triple H post match and take out Reigns thus completing his face turn and making him a singles wrestler. Reigns could then go on to feud with his former partners and Triple H and establish himself as a top star.
Elsewhere adding Daniel Bryan into the main event will make the stale match a super hit and Bryan winning the title over Randy Orton and Batista will underline a successful WrestleMania.
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