WWE managed to shoot themselves in the foot again by booking Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns in the Summerslam main event. It is a match that nobody wants to really see yet WWE seem adamant in trying to force its fans to watch time after time.
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People were pissed the first time it happened at Wrestlemania 31. They were disinterested when it took place again at Wrestlemania 34. And nobody even noticed when it was booked for a third time at the Greatest Royal Rumble event in Saudi Arabia.
So why the WWE thinks that a fourth incarnation of the same old match would capture the imagination of the people, is anyone's guess at this point. The problem with the match is that both the competitors are heels in the eyes of the majority of the fans.
You have to appreciate the WWE trying to tell a long-term story by having Reigns trying to beat Lesnar for more than three years now except that nobody actually cares about Reigns. Such a storyline could have worked like a dream for fan favourites like Daniel Bryan or AJ Styles because by this point fans would have been dying to see them get the best of Lesnar. But Reigns does not work in that sympathetic babyface role.
But all hope is not lost yet as there are three ways that the WWE could book this match, which would make it a worthwhile watch.
#3 Paul Heyman turns on Brock Lesnar

Judging by the recent turn of events, this might be the direction in which the WWE is headed. Lesnar attacked Heyman on an episode of Raw leading up to Summerslam. The attack came because Lesnar was annoyed with Heyman.
Now that is undeniably some lazy writing on the WWE's part but with Lesnar supposedly leaving the WWE after Summerslam, they did have to come up with something quickly. Heyman turning on Lesnar would not be as shocking as it has happened before during his first run in the WWE.
But the question remains, how accepting the fans would be of Roman Reigns as the new 'Paul Heyman Guy'.
The former ECW owner is not as red hot as he was a few years back and putting him with Reigns would not be a guarantee of his succeeding.
#2 Dean Ambrose returns to cost Roman Reigns the Chamionship

Dean Ambrose has been out with injury for some time now but that might be a great thing in the long run. The Lunatic Fringe character has grown stale over time and Ambrose had become a glorified upper mid-card talent before going down with the injury.
After the long layoff, he will have the chance to start afresh on the main roster when he returns. And there are few things that would do him better than turning heel. Fans have been clamoring for an Ambrose heel turn for years now. It was as a heel that Ambrose did his best work before coming to the WWE.
But it will be tricky to turn him heel just by having him turn on Roman Reigns. If anything that might even make him a bigger babyface.
The WWE will have to find a way to make it more about him helping Brock Lesnar retain. Lesnar is despised by the fans at this point of time and associating with him might make the fans hate Ambrose.
#1 Braun Strowman cashes in his Money in the Bank contract and wins

Braun Strowman will be defending his Money in the Bank contract against Kevin Owens but it is safe to say that 'The Monster Among Men' will hold on to the briefcase. But he should not do so for too long.
The best for WWE to come out unscathed from Summerslam would be to put the championship on Strowman.
He has been red hot for months now and must be given his WWE Championship before he starts to lose some of his momentum.
Neither Lesnar nor Reigns would make champions that the fans will be pleased with. But in Strowman the WWE have a guy who has managed to forge a connection with the fans in a short span of time.
He is popular, he is big and he is marketable. And he just might be the guy WWE have been looking for in the post-Cena era.