#1 Corey Graves couldn't stop bashing Renee Young over Dean Ambrose's new attitude

One of the most recurrent aspects of WWE TV that both fans and critics have been pointing out since The Lunatic Fringe's heel turn is that Corey Graves is obsessed over Renee Young withholding information about husband Dean Ambrose, recently.
Even if TLC was an overall success last night, one of its low points included Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship, where both missed out on recreating the intensity of their feud last night.
The match was very moderate to slow-paced and methodical for the most part, which resulted in a lot of people losing interest mid-way. And to top it, we had Corey Graves battering Renee Young on commentary regarding Dean Ambrose over and over again.
When Graves initially started using this argument a while ago, it came off as something fresh and interesting for the viewers to think about, but as weeks passed, this fictional on-screen argument has managed to become a distraction of sorts.
While nobody can stop Corey Graves from badgering Renee Young over her husband’s recovery from a life-altering staph infection, it would be appreciable if the argument wouldn't take over the entire crux of the situation itself...
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