1 – Beast Incarnated- Brock Lesnar winning the Elimination Chamber
Why or How - In order for this scenario to take place, first Lesnar should take out one of the Chamber entrants and take their place in the match. By the rampant run he’s been in, the chances of this happening is very high.
Bryan, Cena, Sheamus and Orton will surely not be on the receiving side while Christian and Antonio Cesaro are the vulnerable ones. In the two, making Cesaro the victim will be the better option since this attack could turn him into a complete face while Christian won’t be taken out of action as soon as he returned.
The Match - Once Lesnar gets his place in the Chamber, he could enter last leaving the others fight it out and warm the crowd. Orton would be eliminated first making the fans sure that a new champion will be crowned.
Daniel Bryan could end up eliminating John Cena and be the last man to go toe-to-toe with Lesnar. But the flying goat wouldn’t be able to stand up to the sheer power of Lesnar thus losing the chance to headline WrestleMania to the Beast.
WrestleMania- This could set up Lesnar vs. Batista at WrestleMania while Cena could feud with Bray Wyatt. Bryan could go against Undertaker and Orton can work with Sheamus making everyone happy.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.