#2 Sasha Banks vs Ronda Rousey

Ronda’s fighting skills and Sasha’s wrestling prowess can get a platform at WrestleMania 34. They will be able to put up a great match if they are given time and Asuka can challenge Rousey at SummerSlam 2018. The ‘Legit Boss’ and ‘Rowdy Ronda’ can begin this feud on next week’s RAW.
Her recent comment on Ronda Rousey can act as a catalyst. Banks chose not to comment on Rousey because she had nothing good to say about her. Rousey can use this to start their feud or Sasha can play this forward and explain what it is that she dislikes about Rousey on the next episode of RAW and confront her. Sasha Banks vs Ronda Rousey is good bet for WWE at WrestleMania 34.
Edited by Kishan Prasad