#2 The appearance of the Beast
During the match between the two teams, Brock Lesnar could make a surprise appearance and layout The Architect. That would result in furthering the feud between The Beast Incarnate and The Kingslayer, and would effectively write Seth out of the match at Fastlane.
The match would then become a 3 on 2 handicap match and after a valiant effort by the remaining Hounds Of Justice, they would fall just short.
The frustration would get the better of Dean and all of that would be taken out on Reigns. With Rollins out of the equation, another backstabbing from Ambrose would draw immediate heat from the crowd. The fans would firmly be in Roman's corner and that would prove to be beneficial for The Big Dog in the long run.
WWE would effectively kill two birds with one stone as both Shield members will have a feud leading up to WrestleMania and also the fans would sympathize with Reigns after the betrayal of Ambrose.