#2 Lack of Storylines

Kane has been part of a variety of storylines right from fighting against The Undertaker and later teaming up with him to be known as "The Brothers of Destruction", to being known as "The Big Red Machine" and "Corporate Kane".
He has been phenomenal while playing all these different personalities. He has been the WWE Champion, WWE Heavyweight Champion, WWE Tag Team champion, WWE Intercontinental champion at some point in his 23-year career. He has wrestled with almost all the current stars of the roster with a proper storyline. These wrestlers include Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, The Bludgeon brothers to name but a few. Revisiting storylines with any of these wrestlers would be stale. Also, the current roster is packed and to fit Kane into an exclusive storyline looks difficult.