WWE should end the brand split #1: The different brands could confuse casual wrestling fans

While WWE has legions of dedicated, hardcore fans who follow every move the company makes on both television and social media, the fact remains that a majority of their audience is considered to be made up of casual wrestling fans.
The casual wrestling fan doesn't go online to check Brock Lesnar's contract status, or to see who got chewed out backstage after their performance. They don't care about the non-kayfabe drama that plays out behind the scenes, and instead, only want to watch and enjoy the programs.
Many of the casual fans don't catch every single episode of SmackDown or Raw, and they can be confused as to why Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar aren't duking it out in the ring. Ending the brand split would make WWE more accessible to casual fans and to a new audience who is unfamiliar with their product.