WWE should end the brand split #3: Faux competition within the same company will never be as compelling as the Monday Night War

The entire WWE Brand split is engineered to recapture the dynamic energy and interest that surrounded the much ballyhooed Monday Night War between WWE and WCW.
However, one of the main reasons the Monday Night War was so compelling is that it was a real 'war.' WCW and WWE were different companies whose goal was to put the other out of business or at least establish complete dominance in the ratings.
Because fans knew that there were real-world stakes in the rating war, they tended to be more emotionally involved in the product of both companies. This led to greater ratings and greater interest in the wrestling business overall, creating a boom period.
The current WWE brand split is artificial; both brands belong to WWE, who would never stand for either one looking weak or uninteresting. Therefore the brand split warfare feels forced and contrived, like the 'invasion' during the Survivor Series build up.
Ending the brand split will eliminate this problem and allow WWE to move forward.