#2 Handpicked by the McMahons

To succeed in WWE, you need to do many things right! Not many people can boast of being successful WWE superstars, but those who can, truly live their lives to the fullest.
Of all the things that the top athletes do in order to reach the pinnacle, one thing that every superstar wishes for is to be in the good books of the McMahons.
McMahons rule the business and truly push the button on who they think deserves to reach the top and who they feel is not worthy enough. Let's make one thing simply clear- to be in the good books of McMahons doesn't necessarily mean trying to impress the authority, but portray extraordinary performances in order to catch the eye of the bosses.
When we talk about Charlotte Flair and Lacey Evans, both women have been successful in earning the confidence of WWE's power family. Charlotte on one side has been the chosen one, whereas the amount of time invested on Lacey suggests that the company has something utterly special for her.