#1 Ignite an Alexa Bliss and Braun Strowman angle

Remember Team Little Big? Not only were they a good team on screen, but an entertaining angle to follow too. It’s a shame the WWE didn’t follow up that angle for a bit longer outside of the Mixed Match Challenge.
If Alexa Bliss is going to become the new General Manager of RAW, the angle could be reignited helping Braun Strowman reemerge as The Monster Among Men. It’s sad to see him become a joke after being badly booked against Brock Lesnar and chasing things on screen.
With the help of an authority figure like the GM, Strowman can finally get things his way and matches that he wants to compete in to seem like a formidable force in the WWE.
This could result in his match being booked against Brock Lesnar somewhere after TLC, most probably at the Royal Rumble. Till that time, Strowman can appear on screen as a character but only compete in squash matches so as to not make his injury worse and get time to heal it till his big match against The Beast.