#3. Great - John Cena

John Cena was the face of WWE for a good decade, which is why it's easy to imagine that he was the locker room leader. While his role has naturally reduced over time, Santino Marrella was one who vouched for him, praising his work ethic and morals.
He was definitely the locker room leader or at least I saw him like that and the reason I saw him there was because of his work ethic and he is just a good guy, really good principles and morals and values. Just a stand-up guy and he works so damn hard. You could not be but awe inspired that this guy can just go and go and go and not complain or whine and he leads by example and that is what a real locker room leader is supposed to be.”
Given how hard Cena worked, one can only imagine that he was an absolutely positive figure in the WWE locker room.
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Edited by Shiven Sachdeva