#1 Randy Orton helps Jeff Hardy win his match against The Miz
Randy Orton is one of the best of heels in the WWE right now. Everything he touches turns to gold, and we may never see a heel like him again after he calls it a day.
Randy Orton helping Jeff Hardy win against The Miz sounds silly, but it could actually happen at Crown Jewel. However, instead of attacking The Miz and allowing Hardy to pin him, Orton could attack Hardy himself, causing a disqualification for The Miz and handing the victory to Hardy.
This could be part of his plan to meet the Charismatic Enigma in the semi-final after he has already attacked and injured him on several occasions. Orton could then go on to take out a battered Hardy before heading to the final.
This would also help protect The Miz’s image and status as he could go on a rant how victories were stolen from him at Super Showdown, and then again at Crown Jewel.
Only a true heel would pull off such a tactic, and Orton is the only heel smart enough to pull it off.