#1 Raw mourns Eddie Guerrero's untimely death

When Eddie Guerrero came back to active competition after a year-long battle with his demons, the fans breathed a sigh of relief, assured that Eddie was as healthy as he had ever been.
Sadly, they were wrong. News broke out just weeks before Survivor Series 2005, that Eddie had died in his hotel room, due to heart failure. The wrestling world went into a state of utter shock. The following night on Raw, the WWE Superstars assembled on the ramp, led by Vince McMahon. He announced Eddie's death and a ten bell salute followed.
All throughout the night, we got several interviews from WWE Superstars, sharing their thoughts on Eddie's sudden demise. The most gut-wrenching interview was of the Rabid Wolverine, Chris Benoit, who was reported to be shaken to the core upon hearing the news.
It's said that after Eddie's death, Benoit was never the same and it contributed towards him going off the rails and committing the horrifying murders of his wife and kid, before killing himself.