Fatal-4-way selection
Say we have 4 potential competitors for this role two weeks own the line, then the decision could be made by giving a chance for each of the candidates to prove their mettle. All 4 could be asked to select one superstar from the roster to represent them for that night and all the representatives of the respective leaders will take part in a Fatal-4-way match and the leader represented by the winner could go on and become the GM.
This would be a sound fitting as the selection freedom is given to the candidates itself beforehand and that won't cause any hassles.
Also, in this process the company could come up with a blockbuster main event Fatal-4-way as all the superstars that will be selected could only belong to the top brass of the roster. A good two weeks of build-up to this match would be even more amazing. We've already seen Team Johnny vs. Team Teddy, Team Cena vs. Team Authority etc., kind of bouts for the leadership struggle and we know how well these get sold with the WWE universe.
Let me travel a couple of miles extra and imagine something like Team Teddy vs. Team Kane vs. Team Vickie vs. Team Shane/Steph vs. Team Johnny and you could add what all you want.