#3 Is ready to get pushed by Vince McMahon: Mustafa Ali
Vince McMahon has used Mustafa Ali on WWE TV a lot, but it hasn't always been the right way. Ali is 35 years old, which is still young in WWE. There's a lot of time for him to grow on WWE television, but the past year has been an example of misutilization.
Mustafa Ali finally turned heel for the first time in WWE, and Vince McMahon made him the leader of RETRIBUTION. While it was an exciting angle at first that could have led to a big push, nothing came of it. RETRIBUTION often found themselves on the losing end of things, and they lost steam quickly.
Vince McMahon likely decided that enough was enough and T-BAR and Mace of RETRIBUTION turned on Mustafa Ali, disbanding the faction. He isn't doing much now, but an alliance with a young Mansoor seems to be in the works.
Mustafa Ali is the kind of superstar that is perfect for Vince McMahon and WWE. He represents a modern star who is marketable to a global audience. He has the in-ring skills and the ability on the mic. All it takes is the right storyline.
With the 2020-2021 run of Apollo Crews, it was proven that good things can take time. It's not too late for Mustafa Ali and he's ready to get pushed even now.