#25 Booyaka booed out of the building

At the 2014 Royal Rumble in Pittsburgh, the rancorous crowd was on their edge for the number 30 entrant. They were anticipating a short fiery performer considered a B+ player by management. What they got was a short fiery performer considered a B+ player by management, but not the right one.
The amount of hate that poured down on Rey Mysterio as he entered at number 30 must have wrecked his nerves, but credit where credit is due he didn't let that affect his rumble stay.
In retrospect what the Pittsburgh fans did to Mysterio was unfair, yet the consummate professional didn't really make much of an impact, hence his low position on the list.
Having won the Rumble from the Number 2 position years ago, Mysterio now had a better opportunity to double that feat, unfortunately, age and time caught up with him on the night. A young upstart, by the name of Seth Rollins, managed to dump him out to another shocking spat of cheers.
This would be Rey Mysterio's final ever Rumble for the WWE. If ever he were to make his return, I'm sure a roar of cheers would correct this folly, as long as Daniel Bryan isn't in the ring.
Eliminated by Seth Rollins