The show continued with a vignette hyping the rivalry between the Cedric Alexander and Brian Kendrick and the insertion of both Jack Gallagher and Rich Swann into the storyline. This then segued into the match that came next.
Jack Gallagher (with The Brian Kendrick) vs. Rich Swann (with Cedric Alexander):
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Swann began quick and runs right after Kendrick, who's on the apron. Kendrick avoided the charge but Swann remained undeterred and pursued his real target, Gallagher. Several quick acrobatic hits and misses later, Swann landed with a drop quick that sent Gentleman Jack to the floor.
Swann then established control further with a thumping Hurricanranna and looked to capitalise but the heel Gallagher just rolled out of the ring. Much to his dismay though, he was greeted by Alexander who merely tells him to re-enter the ring. Meanwhile, Kendrick used the distraction to sweep Swann off his feet from the outside and give his man the advantage.
Gallagher then used this to turn the tide in his favour, using headlocks to bide his time. The gentleman then targetted Swann's knee with holds and blows.
Swann did eventually manage to create some separation but Gallagher took his opportunity away by rolling out of the ring yet again. This led to Kendrick stopping a suicide dive and Jack flinging Alexander onto the barricade.
After a beating outside the ring, Jack Gallagher rolled Alexander into the ring to finish things off. A heroic Swann, however, took Kendrick out at ringside, giving Alexander the chance to land a huge boot.
Kendrick then saved Gallagher from a sure loss by yanking him out of the ring just in time.
The heels stay out for the ten count, giving Swann the win.
Swann wins by DQ.
The four will face off in tag team action at TLC.