Professional Wrestling has been filled with all kinds of carnage and mayhem. For all the pageantry and drama that sports entertainment has created, pro wrestling still has a masculine side. The sport is very aggressive in nature, and despite the matches being predetermined, it's still a very dangerous sport.
Some of wrestling's greatest moments come when an opponent bleeds. Whether it's from a chair shot to the head, or a spike into the eye, a crimson trickle from the forehead of a wrestler means money in the pockets of the promoter.
As pro wrestling gets more kid-friendly, the fans see less and less blood. In fact, during Linda McMahon's campaign for United States Senate, there was a strict no blood policy at WWE.
However, wrestling remains a contact sport and will always be susceptible to massive amounts of blood loss. And as long as nobody gets severely hurt, it can be very entertaining.
Here are some of pro wrestling's bloodiest matches that people tend to forget.
#4 Eddie Guerrero vs JBL, Judgement Day, 2004

WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero was riding high as Heavyweight Champion when he battled John Bradshaw Layfield at Judgment Day 2004.
To quote legendary ring announcer Jim Ross, the match was a "slobber knocker." From the opening bell, the two aggressive and stiff competitors tore into one another. After a particularly vicious chair shot to the head, Guerrero started bleeding profusely.
As the match wore on, the light blue ring mat turned dark purple with blood stains. It looked like a cattle mutilation. Guerrero cut himself very deep, causing extreme bloodletting. After the match, Guerrero had to be admitted to a local hospital for treatment.
#3: Ric Flair vs Mick Foley, Summerslam 2006

Ric Flair is a true wrestling legend. However, instead of riding off into the sunset and enjoying retirement, Flair stuck around and continued to wrestle. And because his body could no longer do the things it could just ten years prior, all he did was bleed. But, in true Nature Boy fashion, he bleeds like no other.
At SummerSlam, Mick Foley, the hardcore legend, battled Ric Flair in an I Quit Match. The two used all the hardcore items. Steel ring steps, chairs, and barbed wire. And Flair, with his solid white hair, looked like he'd been hit by a truck.
In order for these two competitors to put on an entertaining match, years after their prime, they had to resort to all kinds of novelties and gimmicks. And yet, it worked. And this match demonstrated what great workers the world already knew they were.
#2: Sgt. Slaughter vs Pat Patterson, Alley Fight (May 4, 1981)

Some people may forget, but pro wrestling did exist before Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. In many ways, the wrestling was better. Enter Sgt. Slaughter versus Pat Patterson.
This match that took place at Madison Square Garden before a packed and raucous crowd that believed in everything the two athletes did. For them, it was real because the wrestlers made it look real.
This match was a back alley fight, with no disqualification, and each wrestler took advantage of the rules. Midway through the match, Sgt. Slaughter bladed. A process in which a wrestler cuts himself with a razor blade to encourage blood to flow from the forehead. Unfortunately, Sarge cut a little too deep.
He bled like a stuck pig for almost ten minutes straight. It didn't help, that Slaughter wore a white wife beater shirt, which accentuated the bloody mess. This match was so realistic that it was used by the WWE developmental system for several years, to teach younger wrestlers how to sell moves.
#1: New Jack vs Mass Transit, ECW

In one of the most infamous incidents in wrestling history, Mass Transit, an untrained and underage wannabe wrestler from the Boston area, was carved up by ECW hardcore wrestler New Jack.
It happened at a house show in 1996. A 17-year-old boy offered up his "professional wrestling" services to Paul Heyman. One man short for a match, Heyman threw Transit into the match without checking out his credentials, which were non-existent.
During the tag team match, New Jack took out an Exacto knife and sliced Mass Transit's forehead. Unfortunately, an artery was nicked. Blood started squirting from the kid's forehead as he passed out.
The young man's father screamed from ringside, as he watched his son lay prone on the mat, while blood flew from his head. The incident led to a future ECW pay-per-view being temporarily cancelled and a lawsuit from Transit's family.
It was one of the bloodiest and most disgusting matches in wrestling history.