#3 Hope Not- Bray Wyatt to leave WWE

Bray Wyatt has not been seen on WWE TV for months and months. The last time he was seen around the WWE ring was at WWE Starrcade where he answered Baron Corbin's open challenge.
Since then there hasn't been a word out as of when he's going to return to WWE, though his return rumors are pretty strong.
During this broadcast of this week's Raw, Wyatt tweeted a couple of times. In those tweets, he said that this is goodbye, and his journey is far from over, eventually teasing retirement. Have a look at one of his tweets.
“I have so many things to fix. I realize that I was sick. My mind doesn’t work like other people’s, it gets lost and attached to ideals that are unrealistic and poisonous. My next journey will be to find my true calling. This is goodbye”
As Wyatt is famous for talking in riddles, so his recent tweets can only mean two things. One of the two, he's having a character change before he returns to the WWE TV.
The second is, he's retiring from the world of pro-wrestling, which is the worst thing as we haven't seen much of what Bray Wyatt has to offer.
So, all I hope is that he's recent cryptic tweets doesn't mean that he's retiring from pro-wrestling.