#1 “If Ya Smell!... What the Rock...Is... Cookin’!”

There is no doubt that The Rock is the most electrifying and most charismatic man on earth alive. The energy that he puts in the crowd whenever he makes an appearance is incomparable. Throughout his career, he has invented many catchphrases, but the one that got massively over was "If ya Smell what the Rock is cooking!".
The way he uttered it is unexplainable but there was something in it which would pump the whole arena and would force every person out there to stand and repeat the catchphrase with him at the top of their voice.
If you will think about it, the phrase doesn't make any sense in the wrestling setting, but we are talking about a man who made 'The people's elbow' over as a finisher, so nothing is impossible for him. It cemented The Rock as the top babyface of WWE and eventually made him the People's Champ.