#4 Origin of the Claymore Kick

The Claymore Kick is one of the more recent changes to McIntyre's arsenal. Earlier he used to have the Future Shock DDT as his finishing move.
This brings us to how the Claymore Kick came into existence and what was the point of inception for this finishing move. Funnily enough, Drew found his new finishing move when he was pretty close to getting released by WWE as part of 3MB (3 Man Band).

During his sting with 3MB Drew was supposed to wear tight leather pants as opposed to the normal trunks that he used to wear. In one of the matches he tried to go for a running kick to the face but due to those tight leather pants he ultimately tripped and fell over while doing it.
Instead of considering it to be a botch, Drew thought it looked a bit cool and so he went ahead and turned it into his finishing move.