#3 Stone Cold

Stone Cold Steve Austin came into the wrestling business in 1989, working for multiple companies. However, his time with WCW granted him the most success. Between 1991 and 1995 he performed alongside, Paul Heyman (then Paul E Dangerously) and Brian Pillman (as the Hollywood Blonds).
He captured every WCW championship except the World championship. In 1995 he briefly worked for ECW. However, in that same year he joined WWE.
Since 1995 Austin has dedicated his career to WWE. Moreover, his actions would revolutionise the wrestling industry. Initially working as The Ringmaster, he would evolve into 'Austin 3:16', see video below.
However, it was the Attitude Era which cemented his career. During this iconic Era, Austin began his feud with Mr. McMahon. Their rivalry was immensely entertaining.
Throughout this time, Austin exploited the best from his opponents. He grew from his match with Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13, to his epic clashes with The Rock. Whether wrestling or cutting promos, Austin was one of the best, see video below.
His career represented the change in the industry. It spring-boarded future characters. A perfect example would be CM Punk's rebellious nature. Overall, Austin's actions have positively influenced the wrestling business.