#3 An answer to Chris Jericho's "unscripted promos" criticism

Chris Jericho, recently, after AEW Fight for the Fallen had openly stated that he cut his first unscripted promo in 20 years. He was extremely critical about WWE's creative process and their need for scripted promos. He said (H/T comicbook.com)
Tonight, I said this to Dean Malenko, is the first time in 20 years that I've ever done a promo with no script, no approval of what I'm going to say and really no idea of what I'm going to say. Just knowing I have a point and some directions that I may or may not want to go. When Hangman [Page] got busted open that changed the entire design of the promo, and it was very liberating. 'How good are you, Chris Jericho? Can you go out there live without a net and no pre-prepared memorized script and captivate an audience?' And I think it worked out very well. Of course I can do it, but we never, ever get that chance to do it in the WWE."
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Jericho even went on to state that if a wrestler wants creative freedom, AEW provides it. This was perhaps WWE trying to get back to Jericho.
Edited by Alan John