#2 Could be beneficial for his next opponent
This may seem like an additional point but wait, there's a lot to explain.
First of all, if we see what's happening with Lesnar, then we will get to know that the company is continuously doing the opposite of what the fans want.
Moreover, as a result, Lesnar is getting a negative reaction.
If we see this as another perspective, then it could make someone's career in the WWE. Whenever, he defeats a fan favorite wrestler or doesn't shows up on Raw, fans boo him.
WWE could use this as a strategy to build someone trendy among the WWE Universe. If he wins against Styles at Survivor Series then again fans him fill the arena with boos.
This could be beneficial for a future star of the company. If McMahon's biggest draw becomes the most hated superstar in the WWE, then anyone who feuds with him will get the best face reaction by the fans. Maybe this is what the company is currently doing with him.