The Greatest Royal Rumble is almost upon us, but there just isn't that much buzz going into the event despite it comprising of all the talent that the WWE can get their hands on.
Perhaps because it is just a glorified live event or maybe it's just too soon to digest an extravaganza of this magnitude so soon after WrestleMania 34.
Either way, it doesn't quite feel like a huge event.
And maybe it's good for it to remain like that.
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Despite boasting of stars like the Undertaker, a returning Chris Jericho, Triple H, John Cena, Roman Reigns and practically every other WWE (non-female) Superstar that the company could get their hands on, perhaps it's better if we're not too hyped for this event.
Why do I say so? I have my reasons...four of them in fact.
And if you read on, perhaps you may agree with me on some of them too.
#1 The Undertaker is seriously past it
There is a reason why the Undertaker wrestled what was essentially a squash match against Cena at WrestleMania 34.
And that's because he just can't wrestle a 20-minute clinic anymore.
So that automatically eliminates the chances that his Casket match against Rusev, which is one of the main attractions of the card, would even be a half decent affair.
So a squash match then?
Either that or a gimmicky, drawn-out match that doesn't really feature much wrestling but focuses more on the fact that the Undertaker is actually back in the ring again.
And to compound the misery, Rusev - who's legitimately one of the most over Superstars in the WWE today - is probably going to get squashed.
#2 Fifty men is just too much

Remember the last time the WWE tried something similar with the Royal Rumble?
Yea, it was the 40-man Royal Rumble event in 2011. A memorable event, was it? Yeah, that's what I thought. Not at all.
Why? Because even 10 extra men in the Rumble event resulted in too much happening at times or just too little in terms of meaningful storyline development inside the match.
So just imagine what a train wreck it's going to be with 20.
Yes, the surprise entrances will always elicit a 'pop' from the fans and there are bound to be a few cool spots from the likes of Kofi Kingston and possibly a few brutal eliminations courtesy of Braun Strowman.
But does it all actually mean anything?
The winner of the Royal Rumble event that takes place in January goes on to face either the WWE or the Universal Champion at WrestleMania.
What will the winner of the Greatest Royal Rumble get to do?
#3 The Roman Reigns fad

Reigns' loss to Brock Lesnar (well, technically a Triple Threat involving Seth Rollins as well) at WrestleMania 31 was actually closer than his loss at WrestleMania 34.
At WM 34, he didn't just lose to Lesnar. He was pretty much obliterated.
He was taken down, mounted and split open with the entirely non-PG elbows of Brock Lesnar.
After that weak a performance, it really, really doesn't make sense for Reigns to get another shot at Lesnar so soon after.
Also, it's the Champion that loses his belt that gets an automatic rematch for it. Since when does a disgraced challenger get to contend for it again?
The WWE is crossing all types of lines that they usually don't cross in the hope that somehow Reigns would be able to win the Universal Title from Lesnar under favourable circumstances - namely, in front of a crowd that cheers for him.
What happens after that though?
He's going to come back to the USA on Raw the following week...and get booed out of the building anyway.
It all does seem rather pointless, doesn't it?
#4 No Women Allowed!

Ah, this again.
The most debated (and maligned) aspect of Greatest Royal Rumble - that the women just won't be involved.
Yes, you have to be a Roman in Rome. I've heard the spiel.
But after promoting women so strongly..after all the insane matches that they've had and the pay-per-views they've headlined..after signing one of the most popular women athletes in the world to the roster...this seems like a letdown.
Triple H may have calmed the WWE Universe by saying that they are working towards the women being allowed in Saudi in the coming years...but this still somewhat feels like two steps forward and one step back.