#2 Cooler entrance

Okay, let’s get something straight. The Undertaker’s Deadman entrance might just be the greatest entrance in the history of sports entertainment. When the bell tolls and the Deadman slowly appears through the mist, it feels like death itself has been invoked.
And then, when he slowly walks through the ramp and towards the ring, it is as though the Grim Reaper is slowly floating towards its target in order to suck the soul out of whoever dares to stand in his way.
Why are AEW fans upset at an actress? More HERE
If goosebumps could be summarized, then The Undertaker’s entrance is the perfect encapsulation of it.
However, the question is: who doesn’t love a Harley Davidson? Actually, who doesn’t love The Undertaker wearing a bandanna on a Harley Davidson? The Deadman entrance – as great as it is – takes itself too seriously and sometimes, we need to lighten up a little bit.
And Undertaker on a bike circumambulating the ring is the ultimate definition of coolness and makes the...