#2 No stipulations for any of the matches on the card

Apart from the 2 Royal Rumble matches, there are 7 other matches which will take place on the Royal Rumble show, but none of the 7 matches have any stipulations involved.
At Royal Rumble 2016, the fans got a last man standing match between Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship, in 2017 Chris Jericho was suspended up in a shark cage during the Universal Championship match between Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns, and in 2018, the WWE Universe got a handicap match, as the team of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn challenged AJ Styles for the WWE Championship.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
However, this time all the matches on the main show are singles matches with no special stipulations, so it might seem like a weekly episode of WWE.