#1 The New Daniel Bryan
Back in 2013/14, Daniel Bryan was the hottest star in the entire wrestling industry before injuries forced him to retire, but 4 years later, he shocked the world again by returning to the squared circle.
While the fans were very much still behind Bryan, it just felt like he was another technical guy on the roster this time around on a roster filled with great technical wrestlers, so he decided to change it up and shock the world again.
Embracing his real-life persona of a vegan/environmentally conscious person, Bryan has become one of the companies top heels, and adapting his in-ring game to suit this idea has him poised as one of the companies top stars again.
He's never going to reach 2013/14 Bryan again, but with this heel run, he's managed to make himself fresh enough to get back to the top of the industry, and while his career was never in danger, this change certainly reinvigorated his career.