A rumour is a piece of information that may or may not be true, but it gets people talking.
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Look at any product or brand in this world. The sole essence that the marketers work towards is to make these brands big and ensure that they stay relevant across times. There is plenty of brainstorming and trial and error scenarios before the brands finally become impactful. This leads to more and more people talking about the product/brand ultimately leading to financial returns.
Switch this management lesson back to the WWE now and you realise that the game is similar. Every superstar is a brand and the reason why they move from mid-carder to headliner and vice versa is directly proportional to their current relevance. The more the fans talk about them, the more monies they end up making. So, how does one get this up and running? look no further than what the rumour mills have to churn out.
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Rumours have been a part of WWE's pop culture for over half a decade. With the advent of the internet, there has been no stopping this phenomenon and speculation has become the middle name for many keyboard warriors and fans alike. Let us look at some current rumours that surround the WWE.
#4 What is Triple H's current character stance?
Triple H has been a pivotal character in WWE's rise. From the royal Hunter Hearst Helmsley gimmick to the management hat that he dons today, Triple H has done it all in the WWE. He has dilly-dallied between the heel and face gimmick multiple times and fans just can't get enough of the game.
But one thing that everyone needs clarity on is what his current stance in the WWE? With limited appearances in the past year, the fans are unclear about whether Triple H is still a heel authority member or superstar who will soon make the switch.
He makes special PPV appearances but still looks in good shape to wrestle. If he can lace his boots one more time in a storyline where he works against the authority, there would be nothing like it.
Who is best for business? Triple H 'the wrestler' or Triple H the 'authority' member
#3 Does Cena ever have a heel turn on the cards?
John Cena attracts the most polarising response from the WWE universe. With "Let's go Cena" echoing on one side and "Cens S***s" on the other, it is clear to assume that Cenation leader has made a profound impact on the WWE fans even if they find his gimmick stale.
One rumour that has always surrounded Cena is if the WWE would make him turn heel. Fans have voiced out in past about how Cena's character has nothing new to offer. The gimmick, the attire and the limited arsenal of moves faced severe backlash from fans who wanted a new face to replace the record holding world heavyweight champion.
With plenty of promotional events lined up, turning Cena heel would have been a disastrous decision for the WWE to take for fear of breaking character. However, this has always been on the cards and the former champion has himself addressed the issue in the past.
But, with Cena slowly losing his relevance now, is it the right time for a heel turn just to bring some shock value back to the WWE?
#2 How many more Wrestlemanias does the Undertaker have in him?
The Undertaker is arguably WWE's biggest superstar. He is defied age in a physically taxing industry and delivered to perfection in a long and astounding career. With a Wrestlemania record that will never be conquered, the Undertaker is a stalwart in his own rights.
With the 'Phenom's' shocking loss against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30, the fans thought the Undertaker bid the wrestling world goodbye. But, the demon rose from the ashes to deliver stellar performances in the subsequent Manias making fans both excited and confused at the same time.
Every year, post the Royal Rumble, the road to Wrestlemania begins. Fans across the world have one question in common. Will this year see the Undertaker return and if yes, will it be his last Wrestlemania.
As much as we want him to wrestle 'one more' match, some clarity around the same is the need of the hour.
#1 Is it the end of the road for Brock Lesnar?
When business was looking down, the WWE put their stake on Brock Lesnar. The former MMA superstar returned to the WWE in grandeur and rose to the top taking down the who's who in the business.
Lesnar was dominant, he didn't care for authority or legacies. He came to fight and did that effectively. He became the universal champion in no time and restored some pride to the title. But, what irked fans is the number of appearances that Lesnar made. He came and went as per his whims and fancies and his iron clad contract gave him all the insurance required.
So, it was obvious that the WWE was looking at an alternative arrangement and Roman Reigns fit that picture. Even though the duo has had plenty of matches in the past, the Summerslam 2018 fixture seems to the conclusion of this rivalry.
But the question remains, is it just the rivalry that ends here or is it Lesnar's tryst with the WWE.
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