#3 She's worked as an actress before

During her time away from Wrestling, Becky tried out a bunch of different careers and ended up acting for a little bit. She was apart of a few plays but her most notable work was a stuntwoman on History's Channel Vikings. It's basically if Game of Thrones had a kid, this show would be it. Minus the Dragons and White Walkers. It's a very popular show that you should check out.
She was great in the ring, so being a stuntwoman came very easy to her as she knew what to do. Technically in a way, all wrestlers are stuntmen or women doing it for the appreciation of the fans. Why else would you be crazy enough to do that to yourself? She was apart of a lot of the major action scenes the show had early on. She will forever be apart of the TV show Vikings as a stuntwoman and briefly shown on the show.