#2 He was trained by Savio Vega

For those who don't know who Savio Vega is, let's explain who he is. Savio was around in WWE during the mid-nineties. His most memorable feud was against Stone Cold in 1996, before Austin became the megastar we all know him as. Vega had a decent singles run and then later turned heel and joined the Nation of Domination in mid 1997.
He wasn't in the group all that long as group leader Farooq kicked him out. He ended up making his own stable and they were known as the Los Boricuas.
They didn't last long as WWE had no idea what to do with them. Savio still wrestles to this day, this is insane considering he is in his fifties.
Early in Sami's career he was trained by Vega, and we can all agree that he did a good job training him.