#3. Hope isn't true: Murphy frustrated with his position in WWE?
Murphy could be frustrated about his position in WWE, and it's hard not to understand that. While he was getting regular TV time in 2020, it halted after the romantic storyline with Aalyah Mysterio abruptly ended.
In early 2021, Murphy tried getting back with former WWE World Champion Seth Rollins - who rejected him right away. Following that, Murphy suffered back-to-back defeats to Cesaro, and he hasn't been getting the same TV time that he did in WWE last year.
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Dave Meltzer of WON revealed that Murphy is frustrated with his position in WWE right now:
"Murphy is clearly frustrated by his plight right now. His angle with the Mysterios ended. He in theory is back as a heel although who knows as the only thing he did was try and get back with Rollins and get blown off.
There was a report earlier by Dave Meltzer that a comment that Murphy had made on Instagram (justifying his recent heel turn) was deleted upon WWE's order:
“Yeah, that was another thing they changed. A storyline that changed for no reason and I guess he decided to come up with a reason to end it and turn heel and they didn’t want him shooting his own angle on Instagram.”