#1 - The Rock
The last time The Rock had an official match was back at WrestleMania 32, where he squashed Erick Rowan, who was then a member of the Wyatt Family, and it's probably safe to assume that he won't be wrestling at next Sunday's show.
As previously mentioned in the Steve Austin entry, The Rock is the guy who will more than likely disrupt Elias' live show. In fact, the confrontation is somewhat expected, as Elias has called out The Rock numerous times in the last few months, including once on television.
There's a good chance that The Rock will be there to "lay the smackdown" on Elias, but if it were up to me, and unfortunately it isn't, I'd have Elias and The Rock beat down a pair of heels who interrupt their segment. Perhaps it can be a team like Gallows and Anderson, who are reportedly on their way out of the company following the event.