#2 Louie Spicolli - 27 at the time of death

The supposed inventor of the Death Valey Driver, Louise Spicolli or better known Rad Radford to the WWE faithful mournfully let his inner demons get the better of him.
Spicolli was WWE's go-to jobber in the early 90s as he lost almost all his matches until he was repackaged by the WWE in 1995, During this time, Spicolli worked for various independent promotions in America, Japan, and Mexico which convinced the WWE to give him a proper character. And what did they come up with? The grunge-loving boyfriend of Courtney Love failed to click with the fans while his drug dependencies simultaneously came to light,
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He suffered an overdose in 1996 and was released from the WWE after he recovered, however, there was a catch. He was not allowed to sign with the company's fierce rivals WCW for a year.
Spicolli would join WCW in 1997 as Scott Hall's stooge and would also have a brief yet entertaining stint as a commentator. However, the tragic news of his mother being diagnosed with cancer would prove too much to handle for Spicolli, who relapsed as a result and subsequently overdosed on wine and soma on February 15th, 1998.
He died of asphyxiation by choking on his own vomit. The South California Pro Wrestling Hall of Famer was scheduled to face Larry Zbyszko at Superbrawk VIII but the match was canceled after his untimely death.