#3 Should not retire - Triple H

If I was on the cusp before, about whether it was time for The Game to hang up his boots for good, his first promo hyping up the dream match between himself and The Undertaker at the Super Show-Down changed my mind.
Though the match was announced quite a while ago, it just seemed like a novelty attraction for an overseas show with little at stake, much like the Greatest Royal Rumble. But one passionate promo by HHH on Raw worked extremely well in getting the fans even more excited for their confrontation.
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In spite of being semi-retired from in-ring competition, when he does get inside the ring, The Cerebral Assassin always looks like he hasn't missed a beat. It does help that he is still in the best physical shape of his life at 49, and that's saying something!
As long as he is still able to go in the ring, Triple H can put his legacy to good use and make an occasional appearance to put over younger and newer talent, much like he did with Ronda Rousey.
A feud with The Game is sure to propel any rookie's career to the next level, with Seth Rollins being a great example. Though he was already a great in-ring talent and former World Champion, his 'king-slaying' win against HHH did wonders for Rollins.