#2 Drake Maverick

One wedding that many of the WWE Universe already know about because of the recent use of it throughout the 24/7 Championship picture is the one between Drake Maverick and Renee Michelle. The two stars have been in a relationship for quite some time and Michelle was recently part of the Mae Young Classic, but WWE decided that when they unveiled the 24/7 Championship, Maverick would go on to be a huge part of the storyline.
Maverick's wedding was allowed to play out without camera's present. WWE then rehashed some of the vows and allowed R-Truth to interfere in the ceremony and win back his Championship. The marriage was legalized before Truth's interference, which means that Maverick is actually married to Michelle outside of WWE, but the company has continued the story where his wife refuses to allow him to consummate his marriage until he can become Champion.
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It's been an interesting few months for the General Manager of 205 live, but even though it appears that his personal life has become a problem throughout the last few months, in reality, Renee and Drake are happily married as of June 2019.