#4 Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior (Wrestlemania VII)

Here's a true story. When I first saw WrestleMania VII, it was on videotape. With a good portion still to run on the tape, Gorilla Monsoon cried: "Coming up next, the career ending match!" Given I expected that match to be the last on the card, such was its magnitude, I genuinely thought I'd got a dud copy of the video! The match was contested between Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior, two of the top stars of their time in a battle with both men's careers on the line, and not only was it not the main event, but WWE staged seven matches to go on after it!
For me, with such a huge story being told between two huge megastars, this battle deserved a better spot on the card, and wouldn't have looked out of place had it knocked the Hulk Hogan versus Sgt. Slaughter match out of the main event slot.
This was a classic encounter. From the epic war between the two that saw Warrior pin Savage to, as we thought at the time at least, end the iconic and legendary career of the Macho Man, to Sensational Sherri's turning on Savage only for Miss Elizabeth making the save as the two became reunited, it was unforgettable.