#1 Old Dirty Deeds (Headlock Driver)
Before Dean Ambrose started using the current Dirty Deeds (double underhook DDT) as his finishing move, he originally performed a different move. The headlock driver was Ambrose's old finisher, and all Ambrose had to do was lock his opponent in a bulldog position and fall forward, driving his opponent's head into the mat.
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The move didn't look very special as most wrestlers didn't sell the move correctly. It didn't even look good enough to be considered a finishing move. Dean went on to change his finisher and used the double underhook DDT instead.
Rumors are that Dean didn't like the move anymore, owing to which he changed it.
The new dirty deeds looks better as his finisher and looks devastating when sold correctly. Dean has never used the headlock driver again and its better off being used outside WWE or as a signature move. Other WWE Superstars might perform the move again, however, it is still abandoned by the Lunatic Fringe.