#4 Make Himself the Universal Champion
If Corbin could name himself number one contender, why stop there? Why settle for number one contender? That means he'd still have to face Brock Lesnar in a title match, and nobody survives Brock Lesnar. Surely Corbin is smart enough to know that.
Since Kurt Angle was clearly so willing to strip Lesnar of the Universal Championship for refusing to defend it, Corbin should have gone ahead and done just that. Boom, the Lesnar issue is solved, and Raw will once again have a full-time top champion.
Corbin could then announce that six men will face each other in a six-pack challenge for the vacant title: himself, Zack Ryder, Mike Kanellis, Curt Hawkins, No Way Jose, and Sunil Singh. That is an easy win for the Constable.
Or he could straight up declare that he is the new Universal Champion.