#2 Design Two

A title fit for Kane or Seth Rollins if he wore those flaming tights more often, this design is bold, demanding of attention and has a personality(something we can not say for some title's in WWE today), but the question here is, would this stand as a good WWE Title?
Well, once again it is all based on preference, and in my opinion, it could if you were into the wacky design of the championship, as the flames instead of side plates, the bold centrepiece and the edginess of the belt feel like it belongs on WWE TV.
WWE has watered down their title designs to such an extent, any alternative looks like gold in front the standardised belts. Therefore, the general consensus on this title is that it isn't that bad, as it looks different, which many might love or just plain down hate.
#3 Design Three

The next title on this list looks like something you would see someone create on WWE 2K, as there is just something about this design that feels overdone.
While many might feel this is the best version of an alternate WWE Title belt, to some it could feel like five titles in one, as the triple side plates, multiple jewels, and numerous gold beading makes it look like too much.
However, the square face of the belt is something WWE should have went for in their newest titles, as it just looks unique, and could qualify as a new WWE Title.