Backlash 2018: 5 shocking decisions WWE could make 

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Backlash 2018 can turn out to be a shocking night.

The first official pay-per-view after Wrestlemania 34 is Backlash 2018, and after the thirty-fourth edition of “the showcase of the immortals” and the Greatest Royal Rumble received a mixed reception from wrestling aficionados, WWE now has a considerable task of crafting a show that fulfils their fanbase’s expectations from an in-ring and narrative perspective.

Therefore, this year's Backlash pay-per-view like every other WWE pay-per-view in their calendar year is going to be a dual-branded show, which means both Raw and Smackdown Live superstars would be performing at the event. From a highly anticipated World Title match to repetitive undercard matches, the 2018 edition of Backlash has the potential to please fans and to disappoint them thoroughly.

Therefore, on this night WWE would make shocking decisions that would excite fans, terrible booking errors that would send their fanbase into a crazed frenzy and predictable choices that many saw coming from a mile away. Thus, when its all said and done, Backlash 2018 can do only one thing to succeed, exceed the WWE’s Universe’s expectations.

#1 Big Cass squashes Daniel Bryan

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WWE is grooming Cass to be a top tier main eventer.

During his somewhat terrible segment on Smackdown Live, Big Cass managed to get a stern message across to all Daniel Baryn’s fans, and that warning was Cass elaborating on what he is going to do to the former WWE Champion at Backlash. Big Cass said there would be no technical wrestling, there would be no five stars and there would be no Daniel Bryan comeback, as he intends on squashing Bryan in the center of the ring.

Therefore, could that be a display of arrogance from the seven-footer or was WWE hinting at the potential outcome of this match. Cass squashing Brayn would be an incredible sight, as it would send the crowd into a crazed frenzy. However, that would not necessarily be a negative, as both Bryan and Cass would benefit immensely from this decision.

Moreover, Daniel Bryan is at his best when battling adversity, and at the moment he has no mountain to climb, WWE essentially burying him to put their ‘chosen’ main eventer over would be reminiscent of Roman Reigns rise in 2015.

However, only this time WWE can benefit of the hot reactions from the WWE Universe as they need Cass to garner immense heat and Bryan to become the man that is once again being ‘held’ back by the system.

Cass gets his momentum, and Bryan receives immense sympathy, this shocking decision might qualify as a correct choice after all.

#2 AJ Styles beats Shinsuke Nakamura clean

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Nakamura is too hot to ignore.

AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura on paper is dream rivalry that happens once in every decade, but when executed this feud has fallen short of many fans high expectations.

However, while most of the disappointments from this rivalry can be accredited to WWE’s terrible storytelling strategies, the company has done one thing correct in this entire programme, and that was reinventing Shinsuke Nakamura.

The newly revamped, rebuilt and redesigned Shinsuke Nakamura is possibly the most entertaining character in the entirety of the company, as Nakamura’s charisma, unpredictableness, and overall charm have genuinely rejuvenated his WWE career.

Therefore, if AJ Styles defeats Shinsuke Nakamura clean at Backlash, most would consider that as the biggest mistake of the year. Nakamura is on a hot streak at the moment, and if WWE chooses to end that streak, they might undo all the work they put into crafting one of the most exciting wrestlers to grace the product in years.

#3 Brock Lesnar returns to destroy Roman Reigns

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Lesnar could reignite this unwanted feud.

There are multiple lists containing superstars that could face Brok Lesnar for his Universal Title in the future, and most of the time wrestling fans come up with more unique superstars to step across the ring from Lesnar. However, all those efforts go in vain when WWE is continuously persisting to have Brock Lesnar stick around in the company only to put over one man, Roman Reigns.

While Reigns is hated, despised and continuously rejected by the WWE Universe, his efforts to connect to the crowd every time have been ruined by management themselves, as the company is more interested in creating the next John Cena and not an original megastar.Therefore, with controversy still surrounding the Universal Title match at Greatest Royal Rumble, it would be surprising if WWE is still intent of producing Lesnar vs. Reigns IV, and that could be set up by one more attack from Lesnar on an unexpecting Reigns at Backlash.

With the Money in the Bank pay-per-view coming up soon, WWE would want to place a massive match on the pay-per-view’s match card. Therefore, it would be surprising if that match is Lesnar vs. Reigns for the Universal Title one last time. While fans would reject this match from the get-go, Lesnar vs. Reigns has to conclude at some point. Thus the Money in the Bank pay-per-view would be an ideal place for that to happen, and it could be set up with a brutal attack by Lesnar at Backlash.

#4 Finn Balor turns heel

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Balor needs to rejuvenate his career.

If wrestling fans are asked the question; how can Finn Balor rejuvenate his career? Most of the answers would possibly suggest a heel turn, and while a heel turn is the most commonly used solution in the world of professional wrestling, not everything that is predictable is necessarily wrong.

Finn Balor's entire main roster run has been clouded in controversy, whether it is his controversial booking, the controversial remarks made by Vince McMahon or controversial opinion from the fans on whether Balor is even supposed to be on Raw or 205 Live. Therefore, in a kayfabe world, all those things that would keep breaking down a man and eventually cause him to snap, but, Balor’s character is intent on smiling in every scenario possible.

Therefore, at Backlash 2018, even if Bobby Lashley does not turn heel on Barun Strowman or Randy Orton does not snap to revert to his bad guy ways, Finn Balor needs to flip the switch on his character alignment. The creator of the Bullet club can do this by merely destroying one man that has taken everything away from him since he stood as the Wolrd Champion, Seth Rollins.

Rollins has been the reason for Balor’s failed WWE main roster run thus far, as he stripped him of his World Title, he robbed him of his first WrestleMania moment and he took away his chances of holding the IC Title. With Rollins taking so much, Balor needs to retaliate, and the place to do that is that is Backlash.

#5 The Miz wins the IC Title

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A scenario that might benefit Raw in the long run.

WWE has overdone the match of The Miz vs. Seth Rollins over a short period. However, every time those talented individuals have delivered an emotionally satisfying narrative and a thrilling in-ring spectacle.

However, this time these two old rivals clash for the last time as Seth Rollins is signed to Raw while the Miz is a member of the blue brand. Therefore, this final encounter might be the most significant chapter in their storied rivalry.

The reason for this bout being highly anticipated is because the IC Title is on the line. Therefore, if Seth Rollins retains his title, then Raw keeps the most important title on the red brand at the moment, but if the Miz somehow finds a way to steal the IC Title from Rollins grasp, then Smackdown Live would become a title-heavy show.

Moreover, the way the Miz could steal a victory at Backlash is if Finn Balor turns heel on Seth Rollins. As mentioned in a previous point, Seth Rollins has taken everything away from Balor in the past, and it would not be uncalled for if Balor decides to take away one thing Rollins holds dear to him at the moment, the IC Title.

However, most would exclaim that means Raw is now left without a full-time champion, but in an unconventional way of reasoning, that is precisely what Raw needs at the moment to succeed.

Raw has had to function without Brock Lesnar at the helm for over a year, and the IC Title was the only title keeping the brand at a functioning rate. Now, if Miz would take that championship over to the blue brand, Raw would be forced to address one problem they have been ignoring for far too long, where is the Universal Title?

This major shock could turn out to be one of the most significant narratives of the year, as taking the Universal Title off Lesnar and bring it back to its full-time glory could become the primary role of every Raw superstar.

WWE has a way of utilizing every member of their roster, elevating the importance of the Universal Title and giving a sense of urgency to Raw that has been lacking for years, and that can all happen if they make a critical decision at Backlash.

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