#1 The Undertaker gave life-changing advice to Triple H

While we already know that The Undertaker used his intimidating persona to keep the locker room in check, you would be surprised to know that he also went above and beyond to help his colleagues even when they were struggling with extremely personal issues.
A great example of this would be his advice for Triple H which definitely changed The Cerebral Assasins life.
Back when Triple H had just started dating Stephanie McMahon, he would often receive dirty looks from his peers who believed that it was only his ploy to get further in the business. This really bothered him, and Hunter was confused about what he should do. Luckily for him, he chose to go to The Undertaker for his advice.
The Undertaker, who was already quite close to the entire McMahon family, listened to Triple H quite intently before making a beautiful suggestion. As revealed in the book, WWE: The Attitude Era, The Phenom told Triple H that he and Stephanie should not pay any heed to the opinion of others. Instead, they should follow their heart.
Triple H took his advice and decided not to let anyone's comments affect his relationship with his then-girlfriend. In the years that followed, their love grew stronger and the couple has now been happily married for 17 years. As for The Undertaker, it was just this little piece of honest advice that nudged The Game into making one of the best decisions of his life.
Years later, Triple H returned the favor by helping The Undertaker during one of the most difficult periods in the latter's career that shook The Deaman's confidence and caused him to drown his self-doubt.