#1 - Involvement in Montreal Screwjob

The Montreal Screwjob was Triple H's idea according to Shawn Michaels. The Heartbreak Kid revealed in his book that The Game was the first one to pitch it but his involvement in it has been kept low-key for a long time.
The storyline is easily one of the most famous ones in the history of wrestling, let alone WWE. The incident made Vince McMahon the most hated person in the wrestling community while Shawn Michaels and Vince Russo were also blamed for it.
“F**k him! If he won’t do business, then you do business for him.”
Triple H reportedly sealed the fate for Bret Hart and was the driving force behind the storyline's controversial end. However, Vince McMahon did all he can to protect Triple H and took the blame for it. McMahon did not want him to get the heat and ensured that nobody, at that time, knew about The Game's involvement.
Triple H has done a lot in WWE, and there are a lot more things he might have up his sleeve for us soon!