#2 Allowed Chris Jericho to kiss him on his cheek
The Undertaker's tryst with alcohol and bars doesn't end there. One fine night in Tokyo, the Undertaker and Jericho happened to go to the same club. Y2J was heavily drunk that night, and under its influence, pleaded to kiss the Deadman. The Phenom profusely refused him earlier. However, after constant insistence, he allowed to kiss him on his cheek reluctantly.
Here is the full transcript:
And, I spent one night in Tokyo. About three hours we spent hanging out with him. And, we were in another world that night. And, I was trying to get him to let me kiss him on the lips. And, he would not let me kiss him on those [lips]. But, then he finally acquiesces to let me kiss him on the cheek. So, yeah! That was my activity with the [Undertaker] that night. I got to kiss the Undertaker on those cheeks. There you go.*
*Please use H/T: Sportskeeda while using this quote
Edited by Rohit Nath